Biomedical, Health & Life Sciences

Course Information

BSc (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN440
CAO Points Range 2019: 566
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 40

Leaving Certificate:
O6/H7 in English, Irish, Mathematics, a third language, a laboratory science subject and one other recognised subject


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Why is this course for me?

This course will appeal to those with a keen interest in science and in how research and technology can impact on human health. You’ll learn how scientifically driven investigations can advance our knowledge of disease prevention, detection and treatment. The programme will immerse you in modern medical and biological sciences, and focus on the application of scientific developments. The flexible, modular structure of this degree allows you to specialise in the areas of investigative biomedical science that interest you, particularly in the later stages of the degree.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

Typically, graduates will follow scientific careers in biomedical research, undertaking MSc and PhD higher degrees. They also have a high success rate for entry to Graduate Entry Medicine programmes and pursue opportunities in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, as well as other areas allied to health.

What Will I Study

First Year
You’ll not only take modules in:

  • Clinical Human Anatomy
  • Translational Research
  • Basic Tissues & Early Development
  • Genetics Cell Biology,

You will also start to learn about translational research and the influence of science and medicine on society.

Second & Third Year
You’ll continue with modules in Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Physiology. You’ll also start to integrate modules focusing on specific diseases and disease processes, in order to learn more about the development of new, more effective means of diagnosing, treating and preventing illness. Supporting modules include:

  • Biostatistics
  • Neuroscience
  • Laboratory Skills
  • Cardiac/Vascular Biology
  • Pharmacology/Biochemistry
  • Renal Biology
  • Bioinformatics Genetics & proteomics
  • Mechanisms of disease
  • Endocrine, renal and reproductive pharmacology
  • Central nervous system diseases.

Fourth Year
You’ll build skills in biomedical research through interactions and research rotations with international researchers in a range of disease areas. These are undertaken within the School of Medicine and its affiliated teaching hospitals.

The degree will develop your fundamental knowledge in the translation of scientific discovery into clinical utilisation.

You’ll take modules in:

  • Cloning, gene therapy & stem cells
  • Advanced neurochemistry
  • Drug discovery & development
  • Clinical biomarkers
  • Genetics, disease & behaviour.

You’ll have the opportunity to be involved in peer-reviewed abstracts and publications and to present at national and international meetings.

You’ll experience an innovative mix of learning methods, including lectures, small group tutorials, research projects and laboratory-based learning.

Assessment methods include end-ofsemester exams, continuous assessment, report writing and oral presentations.

For detailed information on subject content click here.


“Biomedical Health and Life Sciences is a unique course that has surpassed my expectations. The large choice of classes allowed us to delve into our own particular area of interest, while giving us an insight into both the scientific and medical aspects of treating human illnesses. Our degree focused on the “bench to bedside” approach of treating diseases, where we work as part of a larger, inter-disciplinary health care system. Other opportunities such as voluntary summer research electives and a fourth year research project really enhanced our learning experiences. A twelve-week research project also allowed us to put our academic and practical knowledge to use. I regard my decision to study this course in UCD as the right choice, and I feel well equipped to participate and contribute to the world of medical research during these exciting times.”

Phoebe Ting, Student

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