Computer Science with Data Science

Course Information

BSc (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN201
CAO Points Range 2019: 488
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 105

Leaving Certificate:

  • O2/H6 in Mathematics
  •  O6/H7 in English, Irish and three other recognised subjects
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Why is this course for me?

If you have an interest in technology and trends, this degree could be for you. At its core, data science is about extracting insights from data that can transform the way a company operates. For example, understanding data can match millions of businesses with new customers around the world in the areas of advertising and e-commerce. Mining large-scale data sets based on our health can inform pharmaceutical companies when choosing new medicines to develop and capturing data streams from wearable devices can improve our understanding of our habits and routines. Agri-food, energy, transport, government and education are all examples of industries on the verge of being transformed by the power of data-driven methods.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

Graduates with training in Computer Science with Data Science work in fields such as:

  • Banking and financial services
  • Consultancy (e.g. Accenture, Deloitte)
  • Internet companies such as Google, PayPal and Facebook
  • Established ICT companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Intel
  • ICT Startups

Graduates can also pursue a range of MSc or PhD programmes such as the MSc Computer Science (Negotiated Learning) or the MSc Digital Forensics and Cybercrime Investigation.

What Will I Study

This degree follows the same first two years as the BSc in Computer Science, which will give you an excellent foundation in Computer Science and Mathematics. The in-depth focus on Data Science begins in Third Year, when you will study Statistics, Data Management and Data Analytics. The aim is to provide the technical depth and the practical experience that you will need to stand out in an increasingly demanding market place. Modules will include hands-on experience with contemporary data science tools such as Hadoop, NoSQL, Python, SciPy, SciKit.Learn, Matplotlib, Numpy and Panda.

This is a sample pathway for a degree in Computer Science with Data Science. Sample topics include Machine Learning, Probability Theory, Introduction to AI, Networks & Internet Systems, Data Science in Python, Data Mining, Information Visualisation, and Programming for Big Data.

First Year

  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Elective Module

Second Year

  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Elective Modules

Third Year

  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Elective Modules
  • 5 month Internship or Research Project

Fourth Year

  • Computer Science
  • Data Science (Includes a research project)

The Computer Science course is full time and includes a mixture of lectures, tutorials and practical assignments. Assessment varies with each module but may comprise continuous assessment of practicals, written exams and online learning activities.

For detailed information on subject content click here.

International Study Opportunities

Universities that students have visited to date include the University of Auckland, New Zealand, the University of California, Irvine, USA, and Fudan University, Shanghai, China.


“A degree in Computer Science is as close to a universal degree as you’ll get. You can choose to apply your technical expertise in virtually any industry: science, fashion, sport, social media, finance, nutrition, health, business, etc. The recent introduction of Computer Science with Data Science only strengthens the range of career opportunities for students. I completed two software engineering internships with Intel during the summers of first and second year, as well as a five-month data science Internship worth 15 credits in third year. Learning to apply your skills and having the chance to work in teams with highly talented engineers is an incredibly challenging yet rewarding experience. When I graduate, I aspire to work in a data analysis or technical product management role.”

Lily Burke Student

Computer Science

Course Information

BSc (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN201
CAO Points Range 2019: 488
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 105

Leaving Certificate:

  • O2/H6 in Mathematics
  • O6/H7 in English, Irish and three other recognised subjects


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Why is this course for me?

Do you ever wonder how Google, Skype, Internet banking or computer games work? Would you like to develop the next generation of cutting-edge computing technologies? If you’re a logical thinker who likes problem solving and you enjoy subjects like mathematics, a degree in Computer Science could be for you.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

A UCD Computer Science degree equips you with the necessary skills to work as a computer programmer, software engineer or architect, database designer, web developer, network engineer, systems administrator or manager, and IT consultant. Some graduates also go on to start their own companies. With a BSc in Computer Science, you’re also eligible to pursue graduate study in computer science and in related areas, such as business, mathematics and engineering. Graduates also pursue research in computer science through PhD programmes in UCD or other institutions.

What Will I Study

Topics include advanced software engineering, mobile application development, networks and Internet systems. Students learn programming languages such as Java and Ruby; software development tools and methodologies such as Git and Scrum; web technologies such as JavaScript; and Big Data programming techniques. Students will use both Windows and Linux/Unix operating systems.

First Year

  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Elective module

Second Year

  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Elective modules



Third Year

  • Computer Science
  • Industry internship or software engineering project
  • Elective modules

Fourth Year

  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science project

The Computer Science course is full time and includes a mixture of lectures, tutorials and practical assignments.

Assessment for each module will vary and may comprise a written exam, individual homework assignments, group projects and continuous assessment.

For detailed information on subject content click here.

International Study Opportunities

Universities that students have visited to date include the University of Auckland, New Zealand, the University of California, Irvine, USA, and Fudan University, Shanghai, China.


“It took me a while to realise I wanted to study Computer Science. In school I was very interested in Maths and problem solving and for a while, a Maths degree topped my CAO. After I found out more about Computer Science, I realised that it could provide me with an outlet for my love of problem solving with a practical element too. I picked UCD because I liked that their degree had more software elements than others, whilst still remaining balanced. I completed a Summer Internship after third year with Deloitte in their Technology Consulting department. For my Fourth Year project, I chose to develop a web application called Helping Hand. It connects people with others in their locality to get help with small favours such as asking for a drop of milk. When I graduate, I plan to return to Deloitte in a full-time position.”

Clíodhna Connolly, Student

Actuarial & Financial Studies

Course Information

BAFS (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN230
CAO Points Range 2019: 577
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 47

Leaving Certificate:

  •  H2 in Mathematics
  • O6/H7 in English, Irish and three other recognised subjects
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Why is this course for me?

If you enjoy studying Higher Level Mathematics for the Leaving Certificate or at A-Level and you have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, the UCD BAFS (Hons) degree could be for you. An actuary is a professional who uses numbers to make
judgements about the future, compared to an accountant who is a professional who typically uses numbers to make judgements
about the past. This course will prepare you for a professional career in the actuarial or financial professions, but it has also been designed to be broader and more diverse than most traditional courses in actuarial science.

A good actuary requires a multi-disciplined education in fields such as mathematics, economics, finance, statistics, risk management, psychology and professionalism and ethics. It takes a combination of strong analytical skills, business knowledge and understanding of human behaviour to design and manage programmes that control risk and guarantee sufficient funds for the insurance and pension sectors. Actuaries have traditionally worked mostly in the life assurance and pensions industries but are increasingly moving into wider fields, where they can employ their multi-disciplined approach.

The course also opens up options to work in finance, investment and trading.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

Most BAFS graduates take positions as actuarial trainees in the following:

  • Life insurance
  • Pensions
  • Health insurance
  • General insurance
  • Investment

The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, which accredits this course, is currently in the process of updating its syllabus. Once these details are finalised they will be available on our web page at

Some graduates also work in banking or finance as business or financial analysts. As a graduate of the BAFS degree, you’re also eligible to pursue graduate study in statistics, computer science, economics, mathematics, management science, finance and other specialist business subjects.

What Will I Study

This is a sample pathway for a degree in Actuarial & Financial Studies. The course is broad and highly multi-disciplined.

First Year

  • Mathematics
  • Economics
  • Statistics
  • Accounting
  • Computer Science
  • Elective module

Second Year

  • Finance
  • Statistics
  • Actuarial Mathematics
  • Economic History
  • Elective modules

Third Year

  • Investment & Trading
  • Actuarial Statistics
  • Information Management
  • Workplace Skills
  • Six-month professional placement in an insurance and financial institution in Ireland, the UK or the USA

Fourth Year

  • Financial & Actuarial Maths
  • Actuarial Statistics
  • Actuarial Risk Management
  • Ethics & Professionalism
  • Elective module

Assessment for each module will vary and may comprise a written exam, multiple- choice questionnaires and continuous assessment activities.

For detailed information on subject content click here.


“Mathematics was always my passion. I enjoyed Accounting in school and especially Financial Mathematics. This led me to Actuarial & Financial Studies. The class size is around 50 people, which helps students get more attention from the lecturers in class. The Mathematics is of course challenging but when you truly understand a concept and can solve problems, it is a very rewarding experience. The material in lectures and tutorials really help us understand the work of actuaries. Lecturers use real-life examples and current events. I am currently in third year, where we have our 6-month internship. I’m working in a re-insurance company learning about actuarial modelling and coding. It is enjoyable and helpful so far and I look forward to learning more throughout the internship.”

Vivian Ho Student


Course Information

BSc (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN200
CAO Points Range 2019: 521
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 400

Leaving Certificate:

  • O2/H6 in Mathematics
  • O2/H6 in a laboratory science (Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or Geography may be used instead of a laboratory science subject) and
  • O6/H7 in English, Irish and two other recognised subjects
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Why is this course for me?

All materials and living things consist of atoms and molecules that are linked together in many different ways. Chemistry is a study of these, how they form and react. Life, metabolism, pharmaceuticals, forensic analysis and the development of new energy supplies, computer chips and medical devices: none of these can be fully developed or understood without chemistry.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest in Ireland, and UCD Chemistry graduates work in the following:

  • Analytical roles in laboratories on the synthesis, testing and analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, medicines and medical devices
  • Research chemist roles in laboratories in research and development
  • Management and supervisory roles in regulatory affairs, production and validation

The semiconductor and medical device and energy industries also hire a significant number of materials chemists, and graduates would be involved in:

  • Semiconductor processing
  • Effluent and raw materials monitoring
  • Air and water quality measurements

Chemistry graduates also pursue PhDs in Ireland or abroad in areas as diverse as biological aspects of nanoscience, novel material synthesis, energy generation and polymer chemistry.

What Will I Study

This is a sample pathway for a degree in Chemistry. Topics include physical, inorganic and organic chemistry, chemistry of materials, instrumental analysis and spectroscopy.

First Year

  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Optional Science modules
  • Elective module

Second Year

  • Chemistry
  • + 1 Science Subject
  • Elective modules

Third Year

  • Chemistry
  • Elective modules

Fourth Year

  • Chemistry (includes a research project)

All Science courses are full time, with many student timetables running from 9.00am to 5.00pm or later. Depending on the subject choices, a weekly timetable can include lectures, practicals and tutorials.

Assessment varies with each module but may comprise continuous assessment of practicals, written exams and online learning activities.

For detailed information on subject content click here

International Study Opportunities

Students have spent time studying at the following universities:

  • University of Lund, Sweden
  • University of Virginia, USA
  • McGill University, Canada


“Biology was the only Science subject I had studied for the Leaving Cert but I entered into the MPG stream with the hopes of studying Mathematics and doing some field classes in Geology. I took other modules in Chemistry and Biology to keep my options open. However, as soon as I had my first Chemistry lecture, I knew it was for me. The lecturers were excellent, funny and passionate. By my second year I was hooked. I’ve had a great opportunity to be a part of several clubs and societies. During my degree, I was captain of the UCD Mountaineering Club. We organised several trips around Ireland and the UK as well as hosting the Irish Climbing Intervarsities. I’ve also had the fantastic opportunity to be a peer mentor and a Science Student Leader.”

Andrew Keating Graduate

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