
Course Information

BSc (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN200
CAO Points Range 2019: 521
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 400

Leaving Certificate:

  • O2/H6 in Mathematics
  • O2/H6 in a laboratory science (Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or Geography may be used instead of a laboratory science subject) and
  • O6/H7 in English, Irish and two other recognised subjects

Special Entry Recommendations: We recommend that all students in Mathematics should have a minimum Grade H3 in Leaving Certificate Higher Level Mathematics or equivalent.

Click below for equivalent entry requirements information for:

Why is this course for me?

Mathematics is a universal language and a tool of fundamental importance in the physical and social sciences, engineering,
technology, computer science, statistics, finance, data analytics and many other fields. The subject is thousands of years old and yet thoroughly modern. In the past 100 years the growth of mathematics has been spectacular, stimulated not only the by the needs of science, technology and commerce, but also by the intellectual challenges provided by the discipline itself. The interplay between mathematics and neighbouring subjects continues to yield many fascinating problems that require creative solutions. If you find mathematics interesting and enjoyable then this degree could be for you.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

Each year sees new applications of sophisticated mathematical models and procedures in insurance and actuarial services, data analytics, the stock market, banking and industry. Employers in all of these areas seek mathematics graduates for their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Our recent graduates have found work in diverse areas, including:

  • Actuarial science
  • Banking and financial services
  • Civil service executive and administrative grades
  • Coding and cryptography companies
  • IT industry
  • Meteorology
  • Research

Opportunities for further study include include MSc and PhD programmes in Mathematical Sciences in Ireland and abroad, leading to research positions in universities or industry.

What Will I Study

This is a sample pathway for a degree in Mathematics. Topics include linear algebra and geometry, differential and integral calculus, graphs and networks, theory of games, groups, rings and fields, metric spaces, differential geometry and functional analysis.

First Year

  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • Optional Science modules
  • Elective module

Second Year

  • Mathematics
  • + 1 Other Science Subject
  • Elective modules

Third Year

  • Mathematics
  • Elective modules

Fourth Year

  • Mathematics (include an optional research project)

All Science courses are full time, with many student timetables running from 9.00am to 5.00pm or later. Depending on the subject choices, a weekly timetable can include lectures, practicals and tutorials.

Assessment varies with each module but may comprise continuous assessment of practicals, written exams and online learning activities.

For detailed information on subject content click here

International Study Opportunities

Students may apply to study abroad for a semester in third year in partner institutions internationally.


“In secondary, school I loved maths. However, University-level maths has a reputation for being unthinkably difficult, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able for it. However, I’ve found that, although hard work is essential, University Maths certainly is doable. Moreover, it’s engaging. There’s a great deal more to maths than you ever see in secondary school! The more maths you study, the more interesting it becomes, and some of the courses are really fascinating. Maths requires a lot of critical thinking and rigorous understanding, and the lecturers in UCD encourage this. They are very good at transmitting their enthusiasm to the students. What’s really great is that the maths lecturers are approachable, and keen to answer any questions you may have.”

Caitríona Byrne Graduate

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