
Course Information

BSc (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN720
CAO Points Range 2019: 517
Length of Course: 3 Years
Average Intake: 88

Leaving Certificate:
O6/H7 in Irish, English and Mathematics and 3 other recognised subjects.

Click below for equivalent entry requirements information for:

Why is this course for me?

If you have a questioning attitude and good reasoning skills, you will really enjoy the world opened up by Psychology. Psychology has links to the natural sciences, the social sciences and the arts, so it is likely to appeal to a wide variety of people. The course has core modules that will introduce you to major theories and research methods, and you will also have a chance to choose option modules in specialist areas of psychology (e.g. counselling, clinical psychology and forensic psychology).

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

The degree is recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland and, as such, provides the foundation for further graduate training in any field of psychology, as well as for a wide variety of careers, including:

  • Clinical psychology
  • Educational psychology
  • Organisational psychology
  • Forensic psychology
  • Counselling psychology
  • Health psychology.

There are also career opportunities in research alongside other social scientists, such as economists and sociologists.

What Will I Study

First Year

  • Social Psychology
  • Brain & Behaviour
  • Psychology: Key skills & concepts
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Introductory Research Methods
  • Perception & Cognition
  • Introduction to Applied Psychology
  • Elective module
  • Plus added optional modules

Second & Third Year

  • Behavioural Neuroscience
  • Child & Adolescent Development
  • Visual Cognition
  • Psychology Labs
  • Personality & Human Intelligence
  • Independent Research Project
  • Option modules within Psychology
  • Elective modules.

Students spend up to 20 hours per week attending lectures and tutorials. In second year, you will conduct a series of laboratory practicals, while in third year, you will carry out an independent research project under the direction of one of the academic staff.

A combination of end-of-semester written examinations and continuous assessment is used to evaluate performance.

For detailed information on subject content click here.

International Study Opportunities

The School of Psychology has exchange agreements with:

  • Université Catholique de l’Ouest, France
  • Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, Spain
  • Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany
  • Georgetown University, Washington, USA
  • University of Groningen, the Netherlands


“I chose Psychology at UCD as I have a great interest in human nature and behaviour. Being awarded the Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholarship, provided an opportunity to continue my passion for music alongside my academic coursework. In third year, I had the opportunity to study and perform for a year at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in the Erasmus programme. In final year, I loved being involved in student life and in particular as treasurer for the Psychology Society (PsychSoc) where we organised many memorable year-round academic and social events. This degree has equipped me with a broad background and understanding of human behaviour and all projects during the course, including my final year research project, have greatly developed my critical thinking skills and choices for the future.”

Eleanor Gaffney, Graduate

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