The Power of Online Learning: A Trend Shaping Education

In recent years, online learning has emerged as a powerful trend that is reshaping the landscape of education. With advancements in technology and the increasing accessibility of the internet, online learning has gained significant popularity among students, professionals, and lifelong learners. This article explores the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of online learning, shedding light on why it has become a trending topic in the education sector.

  1. Flexibility and Convenience:
    One of the primary reasons behind the surge in online learning is its flexibility and convenience. Students can access educational content and resources from anywhere, at any time, eliminating the constraints of physical classrooms. This flexibility allows individuals to balance their education with work, family, or other commitments, making learning more accessible to a wider audience.
  2. Diverse Learning Opportunities:
    Online learning offers a vast array of courses and programs, catering to diverse interests and needs. Whether it’s acquiring new skills, pursuing higher education, or exploring personal interests, online platforms provide a wide range of subjects and disciplines. This diversity allows learners to tailor their education to their specific goals and interests, fostering a more personalized learning experience.
  3. Interactive and Engaging Learning Environments:
    Contrary to the misconception that online learning is impersonal, many platforms offer interactive and engaging learning environments. Through multimedia resources, discussion forums, virtual simulations, and live video sessions, learners can actively participate in their education. These interactive elements promote collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, enhancing the overall learning experience.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness:
    Online learning often proves to be more cost-effective compared to traditional education. With reduced or no commuting expenses, lower tuition fees, and the ability to access free or affordable learning materials, online learners can save a significant amount of money. This affordability makes education more accessible to individuals who may have financial constraints or limited resources.
  5. Challenges and Considerations:
    While online learning offers numerous advantages, it is essential to acknowledge the challenges it presents. Some learners may struggle with self-discipline and time management, as the absence of a physical classroom requires a higher level of personal motivation. Additionally, reliable internet access and technological proficiency are crucial for a smooth online learning experience. Institutions and educators must also ensure the quality and credibility of online courses to maintain the integrity of education.

Online learning has become a trending topic in education due to its flexibility, convenience, diverse learning opportunities, interactive environments, and cost-effectiveness. As technology continues to advance, online learning is expected to further evolve, providing even more innovative and engaging educational experiences. While challenges exist, the benefits of online learning are undeniable, making it a powerful tool that is shaping the future of education.

Innovation Management

New study program as of fall 2018: Innovation Management (MSc) and Master of Innovation Management (MINN).

Choice between MSc and Qualification at master level

Students can choose between a program structure that leads to an MSc degree and a program structure as qualification at master level (MINN). Both structures include 90 ECTS credits. Full-time study includes three terms: fall, spring, and summer term.

MSc degree

Students finish 60 ECTS credits in courses according to the program structure and a 30 ECTS-credit master‘s thesis.

Qualification at master level (MINN)

Students finish 90 ECTS credits in courses according to the program structure. Students have the opportunity to take an internship of up to 15 ECTS credits.

Dean’s Selection Grant for RU Department of Business Administration  graduate students

The recipient of the Dean´s Selection Grant pays undergraduate fees instead of graduate fees. Students with the highest grade in a graduate programme each semester are applicable. In order to receive the award students must complete 30 ECTS units per semester and follow the programme structure.

It is argued we are witness to the largest economic, technological, and social changes in modern history, which is already revolutionizing both our jobs and personal lives. Future careers, products/services and organisations are largely unknown, as they do not yet exist. It is no longer enough only to prepare for currently defined roles.

University graduates, whether they want to start their own business or become managers in established organisations, need to embrace the change as a source of new opportunities. They need to have the ability to take initiative, inspire others and manage collaborative efforts towards innovation.

Innovation is at the core of any organization: its creation, sustainability, and growth. The master’s program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management prepares students to lead innovation and entrepreneurial processes in various organisational settings, including of established corporations, start-ups, public organizations, and NGOs.

The focus of staff research is on innovation and entrepreneurship, finance and economics, corporate governance, marketing and human resource management. RU Department of Business Administration is committed to excellence in research and academic staff collaborates with researchers in other fields such as Computer Science and Psychology, within RU and internationally. Students also benefit from the Department’s extensive network of international professors and guest lecturers from the business community.

A great opportunity

By completing an internship a student’s knowledge, skills and abilities are enhanced. This is usually done through hands-on projects, and so, graduates are better prepared for their future careers. Students are assigned a supervisor within a company or institution and a full-time faculty member as a supervisor during the period of the internship.


Students can complete 7,5 ECTS, 15 ECTS, or 30 ECTS, depending on the length of the internship. Internships of 30 ECTS are only available for students that complete their internship abroad. Generally, internships are unpaid.

Students can choose between three options:

Option 1: Students apply for internship positions arranged by RU Department of Business Administration with Icelandic companies.

Option 2: Students arrange an internship with companies themselves and get the internship approved by RU Department of Business Administration.

Option 3: Students find international internships themselves, and get it approved by RU Department of Business Administration.

Examples of companies and institutions where students have completed their internships

Icelandair Group • Icelandair London • Icelandair Frankfurt • Össur • KPMG• Deloitte • PwC • E&Y • Landspítalinn • Síminn • Orkuveita Reykjavíkur • NOVA • Vodafone • Vífilfell • Ölgerðin • Virðing • Sameinaði lífeyrissjóðurinn • Pipar TBWA • Icelandair • Landsvirkjun • Advania • Alvogen • Landsbankinn • Mannvit • Nýherji • Reiknistofa bankanna • Eik fasteignafélag • Grant Thornton • Glamour • BDO • Sjóvá • Canadian Embassy • Viðskiptaráð • FESTI • Samtök Iðnaðarins.

Internships abroad

Students can apply for an Erasmus grant to complete an internship in Europe for 2-12 months. Students who have previously been in the Erasmus exchange program can apply for funding for an internship.

The amount of the grant depends on the destination, but is in the range of 450 to 550 € a month. Students also receive a travel grant, in the range 275- € 1,100 depending on the destination.

The program is offered as full-time study program; part-time study is allowed. Maximum study period: 6 semesters; if the study period exceeds this limit, the student must apply for re-enrollment.

Choice between MSc and Qualification at master level

Students can choose between a program structure that leads to an MSc degree and a program structure as qualification at master level (MINN). Both structures include 90 ECTS credits. Full-time study includes three terms: fall, spring, and summer term.

IT facilities

Our IT Services provide a range of computer facilities to help you study. IT suites are located across campus – many with 24-hour access.

IT facilities also include:

  • Wireless network
  • Extensive printing facilities
  • Adapted PCs for students with disabilities or additional learning needs

Student study areas

Students have 24-hour access, during term time, to group rooms and private study desks. There is a especially dedicated study area for Graduate students.

Student Union
The University of Reykjavik Student’s Union is the focus of many student activities on campus.

Sports Facilities
In the basement of the university, World Class runs a gym which offers discounts to students.


There are three shops and cafés in the building that sell food and beverages to students.

  • Kaffitár sells a selection of coffee drinks, light snacks and bakery products.
  • Malið serves hot food everyday, plus snacks and refreshments.
  • The University shop (Haskolabudin) sells groceries, household items and snacks.

Reykjavik University Campus

Set in one of the most beautiful areas of Reykjavik right next to Iceland’s only geothermal beach, the newly built campus offers students modern first-rate facilities. The building has well equipped classrooms and students have 24-hour access to the spacious study facilities.

Environmentally conscious

The campus is one of Iceland’s most automated buildings designed to provide an environment optimal for working using the lowest amount of energy.

Automated blinds and windows

In the main areas of the building the blinds and windows are controlled by a weather station positioned on top of the University roof. The weather station collects information about wind direction and outside temperature adjusting windows accordingly, and blinds are automated to ensure direct sunlight does not disturb students working.

A breath of fresh air

The University building is constantly ventilated with natural fresh air using the NAVENT system. Fresh air is drawn into the building and then pumped into the rooms. Special CO2 monitors ensure the correct levels of oxygen in the rooms. Heaters ensure that the air pumped into the rooms maintains the correct air temperature. In the summer time the air pumps drag warm air from the building and pump fresh and cooler air in its place.

Intelligent lighting system

Every light in the University has its own IP address and is controlled by the automated system. Light sensors ensure lighting is only on when rooms are in use. Large windows let in natural daylight which creates a more pleasant working environment.


Beautiful surroundings

Our campus is in a unique position of being set in one of the most popular outdoor areas of Reykjavik.

  • The University of Reykjavik is located right next to Iceland’s only geothermal beach,  Nauthólsvík. Students can enjoy swimming in the geothermally heated sea, or relax in the hot tub on the beach.
  • Right next to the campus is the most environmentally friendly restaurant in Reykjavik, Nauthóll, which has been awarded the Nordic Environmental “Svan Certificate,”  and was the first restaurant in Reykjavik to receive this certification.
  • Students can enjoy the many foot and bicycle paths in the neighbouring forest.
  • Students can visit the nearby Perlan situated on top of the city’s geothermal storage tanks.

Leading Nordic political science journal edited by UI academics

One of the most respected political science journals in the Nordic countries is now edited by a team from Iceland. The new editorial board for Scandinavian Political Studies started on 1 June. The journal is published by Wiley on behalf of NOPSA, the Nordic Political Science Association. Editorship passes between the Nordic countries at three-year intervals, but this is the first time it has come to Iceland.

This is testament to the UI Faculty of Political Science’s strength and contributions to the international academic community. The editors are Maximilian Conrad, Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir and Stefanía Óskarsdóttir, all professors at the UI Faculty of Political Science.
The editorial board for Scandinavian Political Studies is always made up of academics from the same country and, this time, all from the University of Iceland. What is more, the Nordic Political Science Association is also now headed by an Icelander for the first time: Eva Heiða Önnudóttir, another professor at the Faculty of Political Science.

“The journal is a leading publication in political science, specialising in topics related to Nordic politics. The fact that Scandinavian Political Studies and NOPSA will both be led by academics from the University of Iceland for the next few years is clear testament to the international standing of the Faculty of Political Science. This is an exciting challenge that will raise the profile of the University of Iceland and boost the reputation of the Faculty,” said the new editors.

Scandinavian Political Studies is an important source for researchers and instructors working in the field of Nordic politics at the national, regional and municipal levels.

The journal publishes new research in all areas of political and administrative science, including decision-making, public policies and electoral issues. The journal is published quarterly and is available here.

A team of UI academics have taken over editorship of Scandinavian Political Studies, which is testament to the UI Faculty of Political Science's strength and contributions to the international academic community. The editors are Maximilian Conrad, Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir and Stefanía Óskarsdóttir, all professors at the UI Faculty of Political Science. 

A team of UI academics have taken over editorship of Scandinavian Political Studies, which is testament to the UI Faculty of Political Science’s strength and contributions to the international academic community. The editors are Maximilian Conrad, Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir and Stefanía Óskarsdóttir, all professors at the UI Faculty of Political Science.

Exhibition on the life and work of Vigdís Finnbogadóttir to open in December

Exhibition on the life and work of Vigdís Finnbogadóttir to open in December - Available at University of Iceland

An exhibition devoted to the life and impact of Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, former President of Iceland, will open in the old Telegraph Station on Suðurgata on 1 December. Work is currently underway renovating the building and setting up the exhibition. The exhibition, suitable for all ages, will educate visitors about the wide-ranging impact that Vigdís has had in the areas of equality, environmentalism, world peace and language, both in Iceland and abroad.

A memorandum of understanding between the government and the University of Iceland was signed at an event held in the UI Ceremonial Hall on 17 June 2021 to mark the 110th anniversary of the foundation of the University. Last year, the University of Iceland and Vigdís agreed that Vigdís would donate several artefacts from her presidency to the University and Vigdís International Centre, such as letters and documents, gifts from foreign heads of state, artwork, items of clothing and other objects from her private collection. Since then, preparations for the exhibition have been in full swing under the leadership of Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir, cultural scholar and curator at the Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute.

Vigdis og Astridur

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir and her daughter, Ástríður Magnúsdóttir, at the signing of the agreement on donation of Vigdís’ possessions to the exhibition. 

Lend me wings

The exhibition is entitled “Lend me wings: Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, life and impact. The goal of the exhibition is to highlight the influence Vigdís Finnbogadóttir had on both Iceland and the wider world and the issues to which she has devoted her life, both as the President of Iceland and later as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Languages. “There is a particular focus on her work for equality, the environment, world peace, languages and culture and the exhibition also explores how public discourse shaped Vigdís’ positions and priorities and how she influenced and even changed that discourse,” says Sigrún Alba.

The title of the exhibition is taken from a poem by the Icelandic poet, Hulda. “We chose it to reflect how, through her encouragement, positivity and example, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir has inspired so many people – women and others – to take action and make their dreams come true. Vigdís was young herself when she left home and started working towards her goals, learning from her experiences and the challenges she faced along the way. She has been a role model for many people. With her emphasis on human rights, peace, environmental protection, culture, and languages, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir has had a profound influence on both Iceland and the wider world, not to mention her impact on matters of equality,” adds Sigrún Alba.

Close collaboration with the Vigdís International Centre

The exhibition will be closely linked with the work of the Vigdís International Centre, which is housed in the building next door to the Telegraph Station: Veröld – House of Vigdís. The Vigdís International Centre operates under the auspices of UNESCO and the Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Institute of Foreign Languages at the University of Iceland. “The primary aims of the Vigdís International Centre are to promote multilingualism in order to increase understanding, communication and respect between cultures and nations and to support research into native languages in a human rights context. Since 1999, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir has been a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Languages. The role involves raising awareness of the importance of languages for cultural diversity and preserving endangered languages,” explains Ann-Sofie Nielsen Gremaud, chair of the board of the Vigdís International Centre.

Vigdis Finnbogadottir

Vigdís was elected President of Iceland in 1980 and served in that office for 16 years. IMAGE/Getty Images

Why was Vigdís elected President?

The 1980 Icelandic presidential election attracted global attention when Vigdís Finnbogadóttir became the first woman in the world to be democratically elected head of state. “The exhibition will seek to answer the question of why Vigdís won that election. What did she have to offer? What was the reaction when she announced her candidacy? And what impact did her victory have on younger generations and the debate on equality, both in Iceland and abroad?” says Sigrún Alba.

She believes that much of the explanation can be found in Vigdís’ childhood, education, personality and her work as a teacher, translator, tour guide and theatre director. “Vigdís wasn’t afraid to stand up and speak candidly about subjects that had been considered taboo, such as cancer, adoption and various other topics that women were generally not supposed to talk about or have an opinion on,” says Sigrún Alba, explaining that these ideas are addressed specifically in the exhibition.

Work is currently underway renovating the building and setting up the exhibition. “People living in Iceland, as well as tourists or short-term residents studying or working here. The exhibition is also designed to appeal to different age groups and we will be producing teaching material related to the exhibition for both compulsory school and upper secondary school students,” says Sigrún Alba. image/Kristinn Ingvarsson

Furnishings that reflect Vigdís’ interest in afforestation

Ann-Sofie explains that a huge amount of research has gone into preparing this exhibition and a wide range of sources have been consulted, both private and public. “The exhibition will endeavour to share the story of the life and times of Vigdís through a variety of sources: for example, personal possessions, photographs, private letters, and media coverage. The exhibition will also include videos and audio recordings that give a deeper insight into Vigdís’ life and the impact of her work, as well as artwork and artefacts that Vigdís received as gifts and pieces created by Icelandic artists on the theme of Vigdís’ life and passions. For example, we have work by the art group, the Icelandic Love Corporation, and the artists Guðjón Ketilsson, Anna Júlía Friðbjörnsdóttir and Valtýr Pétursson,” explains Sigrún Alba.

She adds that the setting for the exhibition was inspired by the Icelandic landscape. “Unndór Egill Jónsson designed all the display tables and cabinets specifically for this exhibition and they were crafted from Icelandic birch wood from Vaglaskógur. We believe these furnishings will create an interesting link with Vigdís’ interest in afforestation; she was a pioneer in her way when it came to afforestation and conservation,” says Sigrún Alba.

Birna Geirfinnsdóttir and Arnar Freyr Guðmundsson at Studio Studio are responsible for all graphic design. The aim is to ensure that the appearance of the exhibition reflects Vigdís’ personality, that it is stately, warm and international.


Vigdís received many messages of congratulations after she was elected President, including from the Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness. IMAGE / Kristinn Ingvarsson

Honouring the history of the Telegraph Station

Preparations for the exhibition are in full swing in the Telegraph Station. The building, where Iceland first established wireless communications with the outside world, will now be given a new lease of life returning to its role as a venue for international communication.

“We have divided the Telegraph Station into three main spaces. The first, which we call the Blue Room, will introduce visitors to Vigdís Finnbogadóttir and help them to understand how she became the world’s first democratically elected female head of state. Visitors will then proceed to the Presidential Room, which explores Icelandic society in 1980 and Vigdís’s presidential campaign and election in that context. There are certainly a lot of surprises there and we felt it was important to remind people of just how little progress had been made in the fight for gender equality at that time and how that was reflected in the debate and discussions about Vigdís’ campaign. The South Room is the third part of the exhibition and focuses on Vigdís’ passions and the causes she has fought for, both as the President of Iceland, as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Languages and in other ways,” says Sigrún Alba, explaining that the connecting theme is international relations.

“Visitors will then return to the entrance, where there will be a little shop selling books and other mementos, as well as a small exhibition about the Telegraph Station itself, which was established in 1918. The Telegraph Station was vital for international communications in Iceland. In order to send and receive news and communicate with the outside world, it is essential to speak languages other than Icelandic. In view of this, it seems appropriate that the Telegraph Station should be opposite Veröld, which is home to the UI Faculty of Languages and Cultures, with Vigdísartorg square in between connecting these different worlds,” says Sigrún Alba.

It is no mean feat to do justice to such a rich and eventful life as Vigdís’ in an exhibition like this, but according to Sigrún Alba, who is highly experienced in exhibition management, it is important to work systematically with the chosen narrative and use different techniques to connect with different people. “It has been both challenging and rewarding and was a combined effort from many different people – exhibition managers, designers and other experts who have provided various advice on content, focuses, conservation of artefacts, and how to effectively share our message. Such a large exhibition as Lend me wings requires a lot of different people to work together. We would like to thank everyone who contributed, including staff at the National Museum, the National Gallery, the National Archives, the National Library, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the Office of the President of Iceland – not forgetting the experts from the University of Iceland who we have consulted on manuscripts and the content of the exhibition,” she says.

bref til foreldra

Letters that Vigdís wrote to her parents when she was studying in France will be on display in the Telegraph Station. IMAGE / Kristinn Ingvarsson

Complements the exhibition on language in Veröld – House of Vigdís

The exhibition will open 1 December and will be suitable for all ages. “People living in Iceland, as well as tourists or short-term residents studying or working here. The exhibition is also designed to appeal to different age groups and we will be producing teaching material related to the exhibition for both compulsory school and upper secondary school students,” says Sigrún Alba.
Ann-Sofie agrees and adds that the exhibition will also serve as a venue for visits, outreach and events in synergy with the exhibition work in Veröld – House of Vigdís. “Lend me wings echoes the Living Language lab, particularly those parts of the exhibition that focus on languages. The Living Language lab is an exhibition on the languages of the world, how they have spread, how they can be protected and why they are important. It is an interactive experience for visitors, harnessing digital technology, and is especially designed for school groups. When Vigdís was young, she realised that there was a myriad of languages in the world and that every language allows us to think about the world, and relate to it, in a specific way. It is safe to say that the two exhibitions, Lend me wings and Living Language lab, complement each other and we hope that as many visitors as possible take the opportunity to visit both,” concludes Ann-Sofie.

Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir, cultural scholar and curator and Ann-Sofie Nielsen Gremaud, chair of the board of the Vigdís International Centre in in the old Telegraph Station on Suðurgata.

Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir, cultural scholar and curator and Ann-Sofie Nielsen Gremaud, chair of the board of the Vigdís International Centre in in the old Telegraph Station on Suðurgata. image/Kristinn Ingvarsson

AI: Dos and don’ts in University education

AI: Dos and don'ts in University education - Available at University of Iceland

The University of Iceland has launched an information website on artificial intelligence, containing framework and guidelines for its use in teaching and learning, and where the pitfalls lie. The website is designed for students and staff and is in both Icelandic and English.

AI is technology that can simulate human intelligence. This means that technology is trained to learn, interpret, and work on tasks that have in the past required human thought. AI has become more prominent in the acquisition of information online and generating texts (e.g. ChatGPT and Bard), but the technology can also be used to create images of various kinds.

The rapid development of AI has created various new opportunities in academia, but also poses challenges in areas of research, teaching, project work, and exams. The Division of Academic Affairs has thus launched a website containing information on dos and don’ts when using AI in education.

The website has two sections, containing information for teaching staff on the one hand, and students on the other. The website contains suggestions on how teaching staff can use this new technology in course development, assessment, and feedback as well as how students can use it to gain better understanding of the course material and in project work. It also provides the framework for the use of artificial intelligence at the University of Iceland and the relevant ethical criteria.

FAQ’s on AI are listed on the site, which is, like AI itself, constantly evolving.

The University of Iceland has launched an information website on artificial intelligence, containing framework and guidelines for its use in teaching and learning, and where the pitfalls lie.

The University of Iceland has launched an information website on artificial intelligence, containing framework and guidelines for its use in teaching and learning, and where the pitfalls lie.

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