
Course Information

BSc (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN452
CAO Points Range 2019: 440
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 20

Leaving Certificate:
O6/H7 in English, Irish, Mathematics, a laboratory science subject and two other recognised subjects

Please note: Applicants who have previously failed to meet programme requirements in any Nursing or Midwifery programme or have any issues which would affect their registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland will not normally be eligible.

Click below for equivalent entry requirements information for:

Why is this course for me?

From the moment a woman becomes pregnant, it’s the start of a journey leading to one of life’s greatest miracles: the birth of a baby. The term “midwife” means “with woman”. Midwifery is a wonderful profession and if you’re interested in working with women, their newborn babies and their families during pregnancy and childbirth, then midwifery is the career choice for you. The focus and philosophy of midwifery in UCD is the promotion of women-centred care.


Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

Successful completion of your degree entitles you to register as a Registered Midwife (RM)‡ with The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI). On registration, numerous career opportunities are available to you in both hospital and community settings in Ireland and abroad, including Europe, Australia and New Zealand. You can also pursue further specialist qualifications through graduate diplomas, and Master’s and PhD degrees.

‡Registration in Ireland does not automatically provide a licence to practise abroad.

What Will I Study

The initial focus is on the foundational knowledge and skills required for midwifery practice. Each year, these will be developed and strengthened through theory and practice. In your final year, you’ll also focus on professional issues. Modules include: *

First Year

  • Scholarship of Enquiry
  • Foundations of Midwifery Practice
  • Anatomy, Sciences & Physiology
  • Psychology related to the profession of midwifery
  • Practice experience in a hospital setting for 10 weeks

Second & Third Year

  • Midwifery Practice during Normal Pregnancy & Childbirth
  • Complications in Pregnancy & Childbirth
  • Caring for Sick Neonatal Babies

Fourth Year

  • Research, Leadership & Management
  • Developing Further Knowledge & Clinical Skills for Midwifery Practice
  • Clinical Placement/Internship

Assessment is through a combination of end-of-semester exams and continuous assessment, including assessment of performance on clinical placements.

* Please Note: Curriculum may be subject to change in line with NMBI Midwifery Registration Programmes Standards and Requirements.

Professional Clinical Experience

Clinical Placements, which form a significant part of the programme are completed across a number of sites throughout the Ireland East Hospital Group (IEHG). You will attend clinical placements in the internationally renowned National Maternity Hospital (NMH) and a linked maternity unit in the IEHG e.g in Wexford General, Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar and St Luke’s General Hospital, Kilkenny. Students will be placed in any IEHG site on one or multiple occasions during their programme to enable them to achieve the necessary clinical learning outcomes.

For detailed information on subject content click here.


“I am a mature fourth year student studying a BSc in Midwifery. It has been a hugely positive life-changing experience. The course is divided equally between academic time in UCD and clinical placement in the National Maternity Hospital. The support and guidance we receive from our personal tutors and lecturers are greatly beneficial. Taking on the course is a big commitment but I would thoroughly recommend the course to anyone considering it.”

Deirdre Kane, Student

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