Law with Chinese

Course Information

BCL (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN600
CAO Points Range 2019: 521
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 125

Leaving Certificate:

O6/H7 in English, Irish, a third language and three other recognised subjects

Note: Students entering this course are not required to have a prior knowledge of Mandarin. Those with prior knowledge of Mandarin are most welcome.

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Why is this course for me?

Law with Chinese allows you to undertake a degree in Irish law, whilst simultaneously acquiring a broad knowledge of Chinese society and a very high level of competence in Mandarin. During this degree, you’ll gain comparative insights which inform an enhanced critical perspective on Irish law. Your third year is spent at a leading university in China.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

Graduates obtain a recognised degree in Irish law and are also particularly well placed to pursue legal careers with:

  • International law firms
  • European and international institutions
  • Non-Governmental Organisations

BCL (Law with Chinese) graduates may wish to pursue further studies, including: MSc International Law and Business, LLM
(International Commercial Law) or LLM
(Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law), all in UCD Sutherland School of Law. Both Renmin and CUPL have excellent graduate programmes and are among the best law schools in the world.

What Will I Study

First & Second Year

First year focuses on the core Irish law modules of:

  • Constitutional Law
  • Contract Law
  • Tort
  • General Introduction to Irish legal System

This is combined with intensive Chinese language training and an introduction to Chinese culture and society. In second year, you’ll continue to build your knowledge of the foundations of Irish law, covering:

  • EU Law
  • Property Law
  • Criminal Law
  • You’ll also advance your Chinese language skills and deepen your knowledge of Chinese society.

Third Year

You’ll spend your third year at a partner university in Beijing, China (Renmin University or the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)), where you’ll take some modules through Mandarin.

Fourth Year

On your return to UCD for the last year of your degree, you will undertake a dissertation on Chinese Law (in English). You’ll also choose modules, from the full range of Irish law modules including clinical modules from the School’s Clinical Legal Education Centre (CLEC).

Note: Some modules on this degree are taught through Mandarin. No prior knowledge of Mandarin is required for this degree.

You’ll attend lectures and tutorials, in addition to engaging in study and preparatory work. A sample timetable can be viewed at

Assessment includes end-of-semester examinations, essays and group projects.

For detailed information on subject content click here.


“I chose to study this programme, in part because of its relevance in today’s world, but also because it is thoroughly engaging. It provides an opportunity for students to develop a deeper and broader understanding of both the Irish legal system and Chinese culture, through studying a range of subjects from EU law and criminal law to the Chinese language and Doing Business in China. Lectures are extremely insightful and are taught by highly regarded individuals. In particular, the small Chinese classes allow students to interact closely with the teaching staff. As part of the course, students are given the chance to study in Beijing, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the capital of one of the biggest expanding markets of our generation.”

Timothy Wu Murphy Student

Law Dual Degree – BCL/Maîtrise

Course Information

Law Dual Degree – BCL/Maîtrise (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN600
CAO Points Range 2019: 521
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 125

Leaving Certificate:

O6/H7 in English, Irish, a third language and three other recognised subjects

Special Entry Recommendations:

If you enter without a minimum of H3 in French you will not be able to take Law with French Law.

*Note: In first year you study the BCL [Law with French Law]; towards the end of first year, students achieving the highest grades have the option to apply for interview to enter the BCL/ Maîtrise or to continue with the BCL [Law with French Law).

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Why is this course for me?

This degree is one of two French Law Programmes offered by Sutherland School of Law, the other being the BCL (Law with French Law) on the opposite page. All students interested in the French Law Programmes enter the BCL [Law with French Law] in first year. Both degrees offer the exciting opportunity for immersion in two of the world’s major legal systems, the
common law and the civil law.

Towards the end of first year, the students who have achieved the highest grades in Level I of the BCL [Law with French Law] will have the option to apply for interview to enter the BCL/Maîtrise. The BCL/Maîtrise is an intensive dual degree aimed at highly motivated and ambitious students.
The major difference between the two Programmes is that the BCL/Maîtrise allows you to undertake two degrees: a degree in Irish law and a degree in French law, the Maîtrise en Droit, from either the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) or the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. The Maîtrise en Droit
(or Master 1) is considered to be a Master’s level course.

Two years (third and fourth) are spent at
either Paris II or Toulouse 1.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

Graduates of the BCL/Maîtrise obtain a dual qualification which allows them to progress to professional legal training in Ireland or France. Graduates are particularly well placed to pursue careers with international law firms, EU and international organisations, diplomacy and government departments, or Non-Governmental Organisations. Recent graduates have secured roles with the Department of Foreign Affairs and with International Courts.

What Will I Study

Most French law modules studied at UCD are taught through French.

First Year

In first year, you study the BCL [Law with French Law]. Students achieving the highest grades at the end of first year then have the option to apply for interview to enter the BCL/Maîtrise, or to continue with the BCL [Law with French Law].

Second Year

In second year, you will study other core Irish law modules:

  • Property Law
  • Criminal Law

You will also advance your French language training and continue to study French Private Law and French Public Law.


Third & Fourth Year

You will spend your third and fourth years in one of our two partner universities. The subjects studied are determined by those institutions.

– Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) [see]

– Université Toulouse 1 Capitole [see]

Sample Law (Dual degree-BCL/Maîtrise) Timetable (.pdf)

For detailed information on subject content click here.

Key Fact:

The BCL/Maîtrise degree appeals to students who wish to pursue a career as a barrister, solicitor or French avocat, as well as to those who aspire to practise in the domains of International and European Law, or in governmental or international institutions.


“I have always wanted to keep an international dimension to my degree, and the BCL/Maîtrise was definitely the right choice for that. Being immersed in another culture can only open your mind; and understanding two very different legal systems is crucial to develop your critical thinking and enhance your analytical skills. Whether the final aim is to practice in Ireland, France, or to have an international career, job opportunities following this course are numerous. Taking advantage of the opportunities given by UCD is essential during your degree, and actively participating in one of the many societies or sports club on offer cannot be recommended highly enough.”

Adam Boutafenouchete Graduate


Law (BCL)

Course Information

BCL (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN600
CAO Points Range 2019: 521
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 125

Leaving Certificate:

  • O6/H7 in English, Irish, a third language and three other recognised subjects

If you enter without a minimum of H3 in French you will not be able to take Law with French Law.

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Why is this course for me?

The UCD Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) degree enjoys a proud history and an established reputation at home and abroad. The BCL degree allows you to immerse yourself in the study of law, to engage with a range of interesting legal perspectives and to acquire a profound understanding of how law works in theory and in practice.

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

As a BCL graduate, you are well positioned to pursue a variety of careers, including qualifying as a solicitor or barrister who practise law independently, or working in:

  • Law firms in Ireland or internationally
  • Large corporations as in-house lawyers
  • Professional service firms
  • State bodies or Public Service
  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • EU or other international institutions
  • Legal research
  • Academia

BCL graduates can also pursue successful careers other than in legal practice (e.g. as diplomats, journalists, broadcasters, authors or researchers) in Ireland or abroad. Graduates can undertake postgraduate law study programmes such as the LLM and/or a PhD in their area of interest.



What Will I Study

First & Second Year

In first year, you’ll explore some foundational areas of law, including:

  • General Introduction to Legal Skills
  • Contract Law
  • Tort Law
  • Constitutional Law.

You’ll study modules in civil and criminal procedure.

In second year, you’ll explore EU Law and core areas of Irish law, including:

  • Property Law
  • Company Law
  • Criminal Law.

You’ll attend lectures and tutorials, in addition to engaging in study and preparatory work. A sample timetable can be viewed at

Third & Fourth Year

You can tailor your BCL by selecting from a wide choice of Law modules, such as:

  • International Human Rights
  • Environmental Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Media Law
  • Family Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Employment Law.

In addition, our Clinical Legal Education Centre (CLEC) offers “clinical” modules, which include Advocacy & Mooting, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Legal Practice and Legal Placement.

Assessment includes end-of-semester examinations, essays and group projects.

For detail information on subject content click here 

International Study Opportunities

Third year BCL students are offered the widest range of study abroad opportunities at our 50+ partner universities in locations which include:

  • Antwerp
  • Barcelona
  • Berlin
  • California
  • Canberra
  • Connecticut
  • Exeter
  • Miami
  • Milan
  • Minnesota
  • Prague
  • Singapore
  • Stockholm
  • Toulouse
  • Uppsala
  • Utrecht
  • Vienna.


“Choosing to study law in UCD has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. The vast variety of legal modules that are available means that there is something for everyone who wishes to study a specific area of Law. There is also a great choice of electives to choose from, for example, I chose Psychology as an elective in my first year. As well as this, there are numerous opportunities in UCD for you to discover yourself through different societies, sport clubs and initiatives. Whatever your area of interest, UCD caters for it. As a result of my experience, I am convinced that UCD is the place to grow and discover your potential.”

Grace Oladipo 

Business & Law

Course Information

BBL (Hons) (NFQ Level 8)

Full Time – Undergraduate Studies

CAO Code: DN610
CAO Points Range 2019: 521
Length of Course: 4 Years
Average Intake: 120

Leaving Certificate:

  • O2/H6 in Mathematics
  • O6/H7 in English, Irish, a third language, and two other recognised subjects
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Why is this course for me?

The BBL degree combines law and business into a single degree, providing you with an ideal skill-set for the commercial world and offering valuable career flexibility. BBL graduates are uniquely equipped with the analytical and advocacy skills that arise from a legal training, combined with the numeracy and financial literacy of a business degree.

Key Fact:You will study your business modules at the only Irish business school accredited by both AACSB (the principal American accreditation) and EQUIS (the leading European accreditation).

Career & Graduate Study Opportunities

BBL students can select the modules necessary for legal professional recognition, which will allow them to go on to qualify
as a solicitor or barrister, and work in legal practices in Ireland or abroad. Graduates can also pursue careers in:

  • Accountancy
  • Finance
  • Taxconsultancy
  • Corporate banking
  • Business analysis

BBL graduates also have the option of pursuing postgraduate qualifications in either Law or Business.

What Will I Study

First, Second & Third Year

During your first three years, you’ll study both business and law modules in equal measure and you’ll learn how these two disciplines interrelate. In addition to studying core Law degree subjects, such as Contract Law, Tort Law and EU Law, you may choose from a large variety of other law modules including:

  • Revenue Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Employment Law

The range of business modules includes:

  • Accountancy
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Marketing

Fourth Year

According to your preference and career plans, you can choose to specialise in Law or Business.

BBL students may choose clinical legal education modules offered at the Clinical Legal Education Centre (CLEC), including Competition Law in Practice, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Advocacy & Mooting.

Note: The intensive nature of the BBL degree means that you will not have time to take external modules offered as part of UCD Horizons.

You’ll attend lectures and tutorials, in addition to engaging in study and preparatory work. Assessment includes end-of-semester examinations, essays and group projects.

Sample Business & Law Timetable (.pdf)

For detailed information on subject content click here.

International Study Opportunities

BBL students can apply to spend a semester of third year on exchange in overseas universities including:

  • Sydney
  • Brisbane
  • Innsbruck
  • Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Rouen
  • Munich
  • Milan
  • Madrid
  • Pamplona
  • Tulsa


“Choosing a course with such variety is something I do not regret. Years of studying both subjects has allowed me to explore fascinating cultural, economic, legal and political areas in an Irish context as well as globally. You learn to have an analytical mind along with creative prose. Since first year I have been a proud member of the Boat Club. Despite my commitment to rowing, I have enjoyed balancing it alongside my academic interests with no difficulty. The people you meet and experiences you have are the true memories you will cherish but it is of great value to leave with a degree in something you enjoy. For me that is Business and Law.”

Andrew Mays Graduate

Chemistry Undergraduate Programmes

All materials and living things consist of atoms and molecules that are linked together in many different ways. Chemistry is a study of these, how they form and react. Life, metabolism, pharmaceuticals, forensic analysis and the development of new energy supplies, computer chips and medical devices: none of these can be fully developed or understood without chemistry.

At Undergraduate level, the School currently offers five degree programmes. Topics include physical, inorganic and organic chemistry, chemistry of materials, instrumental analysis and spectroscopy.

See more of our Undergraduate Teaching Facilities.

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The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest in Ireland, and UCD Chemistry graduates work in the following:

  • Analytical roles in laboratories on the synthesis, testing and analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, medicines and medical devices
  • Research chemist roles in laboratories in research and development
  • Management and supervisory roles in regulatory affairs, production and validation

The semiconductor and medical device and energy industries also hire a significant number of materials chemists, and graduates would be involved in:

  • Semiconductor processing
  • Effluent and raw materials monitoring
  • Air and water quality measurements

Chemistry graduates also pursue PhDs in Ireland or abroad in areas as diverse as biological aspects of nanoscience, novel material synthesis, energy generation and polymer chemistry.

Click here for further course information

Biophysical Chemistry combines the study of chemistry with the molecular principles of the functioning of life and their applications in modern technologies, from the design of a new generation of smart medicines to green manufacturing. The best chemical technologies of our world are utilised in biological systems, where thousands of chemical transformations take place in a well-controlled, environmentally friendly manner.

These transformations occur in biological cells, which represent sophisticated chemical manufacturing plants filled with a broad range of nano devices. Students graduating with this degree will acquire knowledge of advanced chemistry, and of molecular principles of organisation and functioning of living matter. They will also acquire skills in the applications of these principles in biomedical, biotechnological, pharmaceutical, food and other related industries.

Click here for further course information

Two major problems are facing industrialised society. How do we maintain our standards of living without, firstly, using nonrenewable resources as sources of energy and as raw materials for manufacturing industries and, secondly, compromising our local and global environment? Chemistry with Environmental & Sustainable Chemistry will be central to solving these problems. This discipline, which draws from all branches of chemistry, will enable us to produce the materials and energy we use through ways that minimise the impact on the environment. Furthermore, it will be crucial in developing a variety of resources (solar power, biofuel synthesis, fuel cells, etc.) for use in renewable energy generation. The degree is suitable for students who have an interest in the use of chemistry in tackling these urgent problems.

Click here for further course information

This degree is ideal for students who have an interest in chemistry and its applications in biology. Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology are fields populated by chemists who have a good understanding of biology at the molecular level. They’ll be of increasing importance for decades to come to address existing and emerging healthcare problems, e.g. cancer, AIDS, TB and avian flu. Chemical biologists and medicinal chemists will develop the next generation of medicines to solve such problems, and will have an impact across a wide range of areas, including the development of environmentally friendly approaches to process chemistry.

Click here for further course information

If you’re interested in chemistry and mathematics, and think you might like to teach these subjects at post-primary level, then this course may be for you. It’s designed so that from the start you study chemistry and mathematics, along with education, in an integrated manner. In thirdyear, you’ll gain teaching experience by completing placements (which we find for you) in a post-primary school and as a third-level tutor.
The four-year BSc in Chemistry, Mathematics and Education leads directly to the one-year MSc in Mathematics and Science Education. On completion of both degrees you are fully qualified to teach Chemistry and Mathematics to Higher Level Leaving Certificate Level and Science to Junior Certificate Level.

Click here for further course information

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